Sunday, May 17, 2015

Back to Basics: Getting Back On Track and How I am Going To Do It

I have had the most fun a girl could possibly have celebrating my birthday literally everyday of the last week but I fell off the proverbial wagon when it came to eating right and working out. Seriously, birthday cake everyday and literally whatever I wanted to eat; and while I did work out a little bit, it was at no where close to the level I am used to performing nor was it enough to balance off the calories I was taking in. The damage has been done and my body definitely feels it. All the work I put in the last month while not totally damaged definitely took a hit, and I am little “softer” than I was, and this was all in one week. We all have those days, weeks, or even months where eating right and working out takes a back seat to fun or just life in general whether it is a birthday or the holiday season, and this was definitely mine. That ends today. Time to put my girl panties on and get back on track (metaphorically and literally).

Today is day one of my own personal “Back to Basics” challenge, 2 weeks of getting organized and constructing a plan for my diet and exercise. If there has been anything I learned with my past weight loss successes and failures (or really any type of goal I have set) is that organization and having a plan is half the equation to success. Anyone who has ever seen my home or looked at my desk at work knows that organization is not my strong suit (two words: hot mess); but everyone also knows that I am perfectly capable of getting it together when I really need to. If I sit down with my goals in mind, I can come up with a realistic action plan for myself. The key word there is realistic; I know what I am capable of and able to maintain over time.

The other half of ensuring success I have learned is discipline in execution --- or in other words, consistency. For the most part, I have got this concept on lock because when I make a plan I usually stick to it. I will get up at 4 am if it means getting that work out in, and when I am good, meal prep Sunday is practically sacred in my home. Where I falter in my discipline is when there is a hiccup in the road or temptation is thrown in my face usually in the form of cake (I REALLY love cake). Diet is usually harder for me than exercise, and I notice myself making justifying that slice of cake or pillaging my staff’s desk for candy (yes, this really does happen) more often than I should. That’s why organization and meal prep is important. At the same time, I know that perfection is not attainable and I am going to be tempted every now and then; so the key to discipline is doing the best I can, picking myself up and forgiving myself a hiccup, and to continue to try to do my best.


So for me, my 2 week “Back To Basics” plan looks like this: • Shakeology for one meal daily • Five small meals (Shakeology for Breakfast, Snack, Lunch, Snack, Dinner) • 3 days running, 2 days on a step mill and lifting, 2 days of Barre, 3 days of Brazilian Butt Lift (which after my fist workout today, I have learned is Barre class on crack), and an optional class of spin

Wish me luck...

DISCLOSURE : Please note, this is something I am doing for myself; this is a plan that I know I am capable of doing and maintaining. I have zero expectations of anyone following my exercise or diet model nor should anyone; exercise plans should be based on individual goals and abilities.

Ria xx

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